What to do when there is nothing to do…#COVID-19
dear Coronaviurs,
Please leave.
-The world
Here are a few things to do while the Coronavirus has cancelled, postponed and changed up our daily lives… temporarily.
Netflix and chill…or solo hulu
This is an obvious one. Whether it’s with your boo thang, the fam or alone. There is an endless amount of shows and movies… and YouTube if you get desperate.
STart that work out
Now that you have time, maybe you can start working out like some of you may have planned to at the beginning of the year . It’s never too late!
Explore the world wiTh google Earth
You can learn about other parts of the world or even visit museums while in the comfort of your home.
Go to the park
Get a fresh breath of air and some natural vitamin D. Just remember your social distancing…. This is starting to sound like a real black mirror episode.
pick up a new hobby
This can be anything at all. Even birdwatching. Find something to do.
clean up
I know you’ve been meaning to anyways. Haven’t we all?
call up a friend
For some, making phone calls for normal conversations is pretty ancient. However, with all the self quarantines and social distancing you may feel a little safer and less suspicious of your friends this way. Talk your hearts away.
make a bucket list
After some time this will all be over ( I hope). Make a bucket list while you have some idle time and plans to start crossing things off!
Cook something
You have to eat at some point anyways you might as well get good at it.
Learn a new skill
If you have been thinking about stocks, dive in and learn. If there is anything you have been wanting to learn go for it!
reorganize your home
Change things up a bit, even if it’s moving the couch from one side of the room to the other. Sometime it’s refreshing to have a little change. Go ahead, you have time!
read a book… heck, go write one.
Maybe there is a book you’ve wanted to read. Go ahead and pick up. There are no excuses now.
or… do whatever you want
Unless it’s closed due to COVID-19. Good luck everyone!
“When all else fails or is unavailable... use your imagination. There is more out there”